Early bird discount now live! Use code "EARLYLAMDA" at Payment for 10% off per child!
Early bird discount now live! Use code "EARLYLAMDA" at Payment for 10% off per child!
We offer LAMDA classes at The Baptist Church on Monday & Thursday evenings. Children follow the LAMDA syllabus and take exams at the end of the year in their chosen genre. Our classes are specifically designed to ensure that each student studying for a LAMDA qualification receives the full amount of attention from our team.
Monday Evenings
Years 3 & 4: 4 - 5
Years 9 & 10: 4.40 - 5.40
Thursday Evenings
Years 5 & 6: 4 - 5
Years 7 & 8: 4.40 - 5.40
Years 11+ : 6.15 - 7.00
19th September
26th September
3rd October
10th October
17th October
Holiday Break
7th November
14th November
21st November
28th November
5th December -
16th January
23rd January
30th January
6th February
13th February
Holiday Break
27th February
6th March
13th March
20th March
27th March -
24th April
1st May
8th May
15th May
22nd May
Holiday Break
5th June
12th June
19th June
26th June
3rd July
16th September
23rd September
30th September
7th October
14th October
Holiday Break
4th November
11th November
18th November
25th November
2nd December -
13th January
20th January
27th January
3rd February
10th February
Holiday Break
24th February
3rd March
10th March
17th March
24th March -
28th April
5th May
12th May
19th May
Holiday Break
2nd June
9th June
16th June
23rd June
30th June
7th July
Ages 8-13 - 9.00 - 12.00
£110 Per Term
Autumn Term -
Group Songs
Group Dance/Routine
Spring Term - Solo/Pair Work
Solo & Duet Singing
Dance Duets
Summer Term - Performance Term
Musical Play
Each term includes 10 sessions (with a holiday break in between).