Early bird discount now live! Use code "EARLYSAT" at Payment for 10% off per child!

Early bird discount now live! Use code "EARLYSAT" at Payment for 10% off per child!

Saturday Mornings.

During our Saturday morning sessions, children will have the opportunity to learn and develop their skills in music, drama and dance. Through an engaging mix of activities, games, and specialised techniques, the sessions are designed to be both educational and fun, boosting creativity and confidence! Saturday mornings are hosted at Fordcombe Village Hall, a short drive from Tunbridge Wells.

Ages 4-7 - 9.00 - 10.30

£125 Per Term

Ages 8-13 - 9.00 - 12.00

£250 Per Term

  • Autumn Term - Small Ensemble

    • Group Songs

    • Group Dance/Routine

    • Drama

  • Spring Term - Solo/Pair Work

    • Monologues/Duologues

    • Solo & Duet Singing

    • Dance Duets

  • Summer Term - Performance Term

    • Musical Play

Each term includes 10 sessions (with a holiday break in between).

  • 21st September
    28th September
    5th October
    12th October
    19th October
    Holiday Break
    9th November
    16th November
    23rd November
    30th November
    7th December

  • 11th January
    18th January
    25th January
    1st February
    8th February
    15th February
    Holiday Break
    1st March
    8th March
    15th March
    22nd March

  • 26th March
    3rd April
    10th April
    17th April
    25th April
    Holiday Break
    7th May
    14th May
    21st May
    28th May
    5th May

  • Autumn Term: This term will involve basic skill building in acting, dance and singing and culminate in a sharing in the form of a public performance of the term’s work at The Amelia Centre.

  • Spring Term: This term consists of developing the skills learned in Term 1. The students will  improve on and create and learn dance, acting and singing performance in small groups and the term will culminate in an exciting performance.

  • Summer Term: This term is about devising and creativity and gives the students the opportunity to combine all of the skills they have learned and developed over the year and create their own piece of performance art in a small group or as a solo performer.

The students will also have the opportunity to gain LAMDA qualifications using the above skills resulting in exams in the Summer Term.